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Comeback Collective

You deserve to thrive, joyfully.


Here’s all I know to tell you about the kind of bone-tired, overwhelmed or disappointed-about-life way you’re feeling right now.

Stress — it’s what’s for dinner… and lunch, snack, breakfast and second breakfast.

There’s too much on our plates, mostly metaphorically, but sometimes literally. For what it’s worth, I don’t really care to change much of what’s on your literal plate because it’s not important in this moment. It’s putting the cart before the horse.

But that metaphorical plate? It’s FULL and that’s inhumane.


Girl, you don’t need to wash your face. You need to change your plate and what’s on it.

“Tthe plate” is your capacity or ability to deal with everything. It’s your time, attention, caringness (the ‘fucks’ you give, if you will…), etc… and what’s ON your plate is everything else.

BUT!! Let me tell you a secret… everyone has a different sized plate. Genetics, nutrition, trauma and lots of other things can grow or shrink your plate. Then there are things that you can put on your plate that make it wildly smaller and/or over capacity.

So there you are, saying yes to another person’s request and suddenly you don’t sleep well at night. Or your appetite disappears — or your orgasms.

Seriously. Stressors and the stress they stockpile (and our body tends to store when there aren’t good outlets or you’re stuck in survival) affects everything and, more importantly, your ability to DEAL with everything.

Another secret? All the things you’ve pressed snooze on for your whole life (or all the walls you construct between you and yourself or your people) are ALSO making your plate smaller. In noble effort to avoid the chaos and pain you’re reducing your overall capacity to deal with life. Triaging stress brings diminishing returns.

Stress shedding is just our first step of the comeback (and also the continual step) so once I’ve got you good and aware of the million sneaky places stored stress hides and the three million sneaky lies on how to get yourself a “fearless” or “stress-free” life (both of those things don’t exist, btw), we actually get down to building the life you want.


AND you’re headed into the holiday season with who knows what kind of convo waiting for you over the potluck at your uncle’s house. You’re exhausted just thinking about it.

I’m the sanity Santa here to treat you to truth, no cookies required.


What do you miss the most? Feeling like yourself? Happiness? Thrilling joy? A night of sleep that leaves you feeling like you could conquer the world? Orgasms?

You deserve ALL of those things, even if you’ve never had them.


For the last few years I’ve gathered wonderful groups of women who have each other’s back. This year I’m, adding guest speakers around topics like better sex, becoming a normal eater, understanding astrology and so much more. I’ve been a coach for 5 years and have met sooooo many wonderful women around the world who know such interesting things. I wanna share them with you.

In the Comeback Collective I teach science then we practice what is taught. I keep track of everyone’s progress. We laugh early and often. I pull out my tarot cards and see what The Universe has to say when science is finished telling her whole truth. I look to the moon seasons for further clues of what we all need to maximize our comeback for 2020. You take what you like and leave the rest.


I gotchoo right here in this 9-month group program. What's included:

Community = $175mo

+ 2hr live, online workshops on the 1st Saturday of every month

+ a second monthly live event — crowdsourced teaching request, office hours or accountability co-working

+ hacks and tools to help you shed stress like a snake shreds skin

+ a badass, culturally relevant book club (including the translation of how to get the wisdom from the page into your real, human life)

+ private online community with 15-25 women

+ my 5 years of life coaching expertise available to you every single day. Ask me anything.

+ recordings of all calls and a content library where you can easily find something you missed or want to revisit.

Community + support = $350mo

+ Everything listed in the level above

+ 30 minute monthly integration session so that you can really apply your learnings and practices to your particular life

+ 30 minute energy healing session every month

Community + custom support = $650mo

+ everything listed in the levels above

+ a private, 90 minute coaching and support immersion with me every month. Combine that with your integration session for an even deeper dive or divide those monthly two hours out however seems fit. (We’ll make that plan together based on your needs and goals)

+ unlimited email access so that you always have a private channel to support

+ at this level you’re essentially a private client with a free seat in the Comeback Collective. You have all the bells and whistles for your comeback

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Imagine what life could be like at work, home or with friends if a year from now you had:

+ healthy boundaries

+ confidence in your next right steps

+ genuine connection with trustworthy people

+ resiliency when navigating awkward or even challenging conversations

+ knowing you're not alone (no really, you aren't)

+ the idea that you aren't actually broken (because you aren’t, I promise)

+ the idea that being who you're meant to be has a world-changing impact (and you can do whatever you like with that power, including not-monetizing it)

+ self-confidence that comes from liking yourself, imperfections and all (instead of bravado)

+ letting go of that inner critic and replacing it with affectionate attention (instead of ‘turn that frown upside down’ gaslighting)

+ learning how to move through your important emotions instead of hiding them with busyness, distractions or therapeutic donuts


Well, now what?

Well, you’ve read all I can reasonably say over the course of a website. If you’re still here, I really encourage you to get on my calendar so that we can have a no-obligation call. Once we’ve talked you’ll know in your gut if you want to join us this year. You won’t have to decide on the phone, either, because that sort of sales tactic is nonsense.


What are the next steps?


1. Apply and schedule your call.

2. We talk and see if you’re a fit for the program and if I’m a fit for you. Most importantly, I answer all your questions in a zero-pressure environment.

3. I’ll cross my fingers that you’ll join us because you deserve a nice life where you don’t have to feel like a hollowed out shell or like you’re strapped to the front of a formula one race car.


+ When are groups calls held?

After our kick-off, the lesson call will be the first Saturday of the month from 9:30 to 11:00 central time. The second call will be decided by doodle poll as a group -- these often ended up being on weeknight evenings. We talk on Zoom, which is a free-for-you video chat software. It also lets you dial in through a phone number in case your wifi is spotty. ALL are recorded so that you may catch up on what you miss.

+ I'm not burned out, is this for me?

If a lot of the description seems relevant or interesting, yes, even if you don't feel burned out. Maybe your stress levels aren't leaving you feeling heavily charred, but you feel kind of numb, shut down, stuck or confused? THIS PROGRAM IS FOR THAT, TOO. If your life is generally pretty happy-go-lucky and feels really on track and deeply satisfying, you're still welcome. But I'm guessing if you've read this far, something needs support, attention, or healing. And that's pretty damn normal.

+ What books and materials will we use?

I chose a few standards, like Daring Greatly by Brené Brown, but others are candidates waiting in the wings. Not every group is the same and I'd rather get to know y'all for a month or two before I build the whole library. I also curate a lot of videos and articles to share throughout our 9 months together.

+ How many people will participate?

Likely around 20. If I have a mad rush between now and the end of November, I'll cap it at 30 and loop in a trained coach as a community manager to be an extra set of eyes and ears for the group. Anything larger than 30 isn't a group I'm interested in leading through this intimate and transformative curriculum. It's been my experience that participation can really wax and wane in online groups so I set the number with that in mind -- those who are all in all 9 months will gain the most benefit and I want you to have a good amount of peers around you doing this work, too.

+ What's the time commitment?

At minimum, I'd suggest 2 hours a week... spread out in 15 to 30 minute chunks. It fluctuates depending on your pace of reading, how active you are in the BBC network and how you choose to reflect/integrate the curriculum. If you're spending more than 10 hours a week, you might be doing too much. And we'll get to that because women LOVE to do too much.

+ What if I've already done a lot of work? Will this be too beginnery?

I am confident the answer is no. This won't be too elementary though you might learn some new foundations that no one has offered before, which is a neat way to liven up all the things you've already learned elsewhere. You might be unlearning along the way, though, as I've found new tools to help people let of old tools. I love a good streamlining.

+ What if I've never done coaching, counseling, therapy or anything? Will this be over my head?

Probably not, but that's part of why I want to talk to everyone and see an application. This gives me a head's up at how you think about lots of things, including yourself. I'll know if CC is too stimulating and will point you to resources that will be a better first step for. All that to say, I've had loads of clients who were first-timers to this sort of support and they are soaring. You'll never know unless you try, so I suggest filling out the application if everything else feels like a fit.

+ Who will get the most out of this program?

Anyone who identifies as a woman and especially if you've endured any of the following things in the last few years:

  • personal loss of job, relationship, important people
  • intense grief
  • long-term or chronic illness (including those who just seem to always be sick)
  • seperation or divorce
  • people telling you you're 'too emotional' (ooooh, you'll REALLY love this group...)
  • new marriage or new job (yes, good stress is still stress)
  • empty nesters
  • motherhood
  • work or home life that values your selflessness over your humanity