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Be your





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we’ll clear the path


back to who you really are.

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Be the YOU before the world got to you.

Even if your life looks good on paper, chances are you’re still not happy and truly thriving.


Real talk? You’re not alone.

Lots of us live how we think should make us happy -- and it rarely does.

We end up feeling inadequate (aka = great big failure; I’m must be doing it wrong).

You DO the things you think will help (the eating plan, the time management strategy and fancy planner, the self-help bestseller, the right career/job/relationship) and you’re left feeling scattered, anxious and like you’re flailing. Or it’s gotten impossible to ignore you’re unable to even take a next step (how often do you wish some would would just GIVE you a plan or tell you what to do next??).

You feel stuck and secretly wonder if there’s something wrong with you.


Listen to me -- this is not your fault.

No… really. For serious.

As we meander through life, we see it has certain rules. Be a nice person. Take care of others. Stay busy. Don’t be lazy, don’t be weak, be responsible, be successful and always be striving for more. Don’t waste time and GET IT RIGHT and if you want to be “happy”.

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I’m Sheri Guyse and I’m certain you can build an exciting, hopeful life that creates the change you deserve to see in the world.

I help you choose yourself and start living fully. Embracing your own biology to friend fear is the foundation and clearing the path of all the BS that’s in your way is the deep work. You deserve a good life and define what that means you. My process reconnects with the vivacious, truthful, whole you -- even when times get tough (because plot twists happen).

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Look, I fell for the rules, too. As girl I learned that if I wanted to fit in I needed to stay quiet, smile and be helpful. When I was accidentally myself… gregarious, curious, smart… I’d get belittled or criticized. This left me spending a lot of time reading in my room -- not a bad silver lining! But hiding I never had more than 1 or 2 friends and always, always, always felt like I didn’t belong -- loneliness followed me not only to the playground, but haunted me through high school hallways, college campuses and even into my first career. Loneliness hurts and I tried like hell to fix it. Anytime I’d try something I thought would really fix it (earned the first bachelor’s degree in my family, married my best friend, lost 120lbs) I felt even more lost and confused.

So, yeah. These rules are prevalent, yet no matter how hard you try to follow those rules they doesn’t reliably lead to that elusive… happiness. Or contentment. Or even a single night off from the low-grade panic that you should be doing more, making more, BEING more.


The fact is, none of these things we do are the solution -- even if they look good on paper. ESPECIALLY when they look good on paper.

We’re seeking answers in the wrong place.


The fact is, there are invisible systems influencing you. Addressing those systems are how you get free from overwhelm, exhaustion, anxiety, broken relationships, stalled out careers and all the other chaos that’s helping you feel like holy hell on the regular.

That’s just the beginning of the work I support you through and this approach is what makes my life coaching process super unique.

If you are considering starting your own business; if you have a business but are not sure where to take it; if you feel stuck in your personal, creative, and work lives; if you get a nagging feeling that something isn’t working but you know it can, if you could only get a helping hand and a guiding light; then Sheri is for you. I highly recommend her.
— Chad Reynolds, Penny Candy Books
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We can’t heal a whole system by focusing on only one part of it -- right?

Our society is OBSESSED with quick answers and one stop shop solutions (ever tried the juice cleanse that also promised to heal your relationship with your spouse and higher self?)


It’s only with a whole-person approach that we get REAL AND LASTING change.

Dear lovely, this means I will not give you pep talks and pro-tips. Because they don’t work for anything except maybe sportsball coaches. That ain’t me.

But we DO play -- my process is actually a lot more fun and joy-filled than one would imagine and because I’m working on lots of levels -- it really does work.